Psa diagbox patch
Psa diagbox patch

psa diagbox patch

If you have tried to do something on your Berlingo or Partner and couldn't, this table may show why and suggest the version you need to do the configuration. I found this table online that details the versions of DiagBox from v6 to v9 as it shows the many fixes that were applied and why, also the dates and vehicle applicable.

psa diagbox patch

See below if you need to see all versions and what they included/ bugs & updates etc. My most usable version for my 2012 Berlingo, was 7.57 and is still my personal favorite as it has ALL configuration options available. If you only want diagnostics then from 7.63 up to 7.83 works fine, but it does NOT allow any configuration changes, like replacement parts, coding Cruise Control etc.

#Psa diagbox patch install

You will see 7.83 being widely sold online but the process does not start there when installed, the whole system is built up in layers, starting with 7.01 - so buy 7.83 by all means but don't add the updates beyond 7.62 - the updates are included as files in the software package, and have the internet disconnected at all times on the computer you install Diagbox onto, never EVER let it connect to the internet. You start at and eventually stop when you have installed 7.62 as the configuration options disappear after this version, or become OEM online only. For anyone wanting to carry out any Configuration changes on their Berlingo B9, then the highest version you should install, is 7.62.

Psa diagbox patch